Monday, December 15, 2008

FUCK IT'S COLD!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah, I said it. It's fucking cold. It's 6 people. That's not wind chill. You know what I did this AM? I got up and went to feed the stupid black lab and water her and let her out for awhile. The usual start to my morning. Stupid bitch annoys me. So I get the food, open the door and put it in her dish. Then I look for the water dish. It's gone. Stupid damn dog. So without thinking, I bounce out the door to look. I see it halfway across the backyard, so I just walked after it like normal. I was halfway back to the house when I realized I had on big warm socks, boxers, a t-shirt and a stocking cap. (Yes, I sleep in a stocking cap. My room is fucking cold and I don't have any hair. The socks and t-shirt were odd though.) The odd thing was I never really felt cold at all, except when the breeze blew up inside my shorts. Yeah, that sucked. I HATE WINTER!!!!!!!!
I really do. Sometimes I think I'd like it if I had somebody to cuddle with, but not today.
Plus, I was out of gas almost so I got to stand out doing that this AM. Sucked. Plus it was $1.44 in my little town but there was a huge line, so I thought I'd get it coming into the city, only to learn there it had gone up to $1.59. Just my luck.
So my weekend basically sucked. I took the girls with me to the company party Fri night. They decided to sit there and be bumps on a log. I should have sent them to their mom's. At least then I could have got drunk. When we left we went to Walmart. We bought the new Batman movie, because we LOVE IT and Bill wanted Lost Boys, so I got it for her. We watched it that night. Bill loved it, Kid1 thinks it is the cheesiest piece of crap she's ever seen.
Saturday was a mess and I stayed home and slept Sat. night because I was in a pissy mood. Yesterday was shopping and stuff, nothing special. Then Sunday night I got to watch my COWBOYS win!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
One last thing about the cold; Sat. it was 61. At 7 AM Sunday it was 55. At 2 it was 19. 30-45 mph winds both days. I'm done bitching, for now. Fucking cold.


Malskeys said...

Awwww.... poor baby... NOT!! At least you have a car to drive you places... I, on the other hand... do not! Suck it up biotch!! And yes, I know you have been blogging more than me... I sorry I so bad... LOL... *Kisses*

Bird Shit said...

I hate the winter too so I'm right there w/ you man.
BOOOOOO Cowboys are going down in 2 weeks! The Eagles are on FIRE! lol