Tuesday, December 23, 2008

It's the 23rd and I'm done shopping!!! And randomness.

That's right, I'm done shopping on the 23rd. So there all you procrastinators. Ok, so this early for me. The sad thing? I really don't have too many people to buy for. Mostly the girls, and me. I can't spoil them most of the yr, so when i get my bonus from work, I spoil them. Me, too. They got their iPods, and so did I. These things are awesome! They will have a pretty good Christmas I think. I already have mine from mom and dad. My new leather coat and then Saturday they surprised me with a LP smoker. I LOVE BBQ'ing and smoking meats, so this is too cool. In case you didn't know it, I rock in the kitchen and on the patio. So I got a little spoiled this yr.
I spent my banjo money on the iPod. I could still buy one, but it will probably wait a bit. As soon as we get rid of the old piano, we have a new one coming. That will be fun.
So let's see if I can list all the instruments in our house right now:
two electric guitars
one electric bass guitar
acoustic guitar
set of spoons
3 harmonicas
3 clarinets
alto sax
tenor sax (the schools)
bassoon (the schools)
dijerido (my spelling sucks tonight)
How's that?
So is everybody ready for Christmas? Is anybody else pissed about all the "happy holidays" bullshit at the stores? I'm not a religous guy, despite the 12 yr in Catholic schools, but man that pisses me off. It's Chritmas! Wish me a Merry Christmas or fuck off. Just once though I'd like to hear a clerk wish me a happy Festivus.
It is so freaking foggy and still here tonight. Very quiet and spooky out. I love it.First time it's been calm in days. It's 38 out which is hot compared to the last 5 days. Of course it's about to drop and the fog become freezing drizzle and my drive to work tom. will FUCKING SUCK! I hate this winter. When does tornado season start? I like it better.
Everyone have a Merry Chritmas or whatever holiday you celebrate. Tell your friends to start reading this blog! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Peace out.


Malskeys said...

I am SOOOOO coming over summer 2011 and you are cookin for me!! Guess what! I might spend my birthday in Turkey... Woop woop!!


I feel the same way.. I might not believe in god in the christian sense.. but I want to say Merry Christmas and leave "In God we trust" on our money etc... THAT is what our country was founded on... THAT is tradition... not you and whatever your beliefs are and not even MY beliefs!!

Bird Shit said...

Merry Christmas! I am not done shopping. I was supposed to go this morning, but the roads were SO icy and people still insist on driving like jerk offs and there was an accident. I got stuck in traffic for an hour.

John said...

I got to drive in on a solid sheet of ice. The nice thing was that there was no traffic.